Saturday, February 27, 2016

Half-way Reflection


Made it half-way through this class and truthfully it has been quite a roller coaster. I am an online student who works full time and participates in organizations outside of work and home.

I have had to carve out time from work and volunteerism to ensure I can keep up with the requirements of the class. It is hard stepping back and actually going to a mall to complete exercises required for the course. If I am to be honest, right off the bat I was wishing I had taken the course in the Fall because I would have rather taken exams. Life happened and I had to delay taking this class and here we are.

I think what has gotten me through to this point is that I am finding a usefulness in these exercises that I thought were futile. As I began to embrace the facts that exams were not in my future in this class, I realized the real test (exam) was really what I was made of with regards to my ability to step out of my comfort zone and immerse myself into this project to discover what entrepreneurial values and abilities could I develop and hone for whatever I want to do when I grow up (hehe).

There are going to be many times you will want to just step back and drop the class because it is a lot a steps required and by George, you do have life outside of ENT3003! You wonder if Dr. Pryor realizes there are students with other classes and now you want me to actually go to people with a made up idea and interview them??? Yep, this will cross your mind, but breathe. He wants you to experience what entrepreneurs experience. A lot fail, because the pressure is way too much, but you don't have to "fail". You can choose to persevere and push through and be the accidental entrepreneur.

Review the syllabus and plan your week on how you can accomplish tasks. Some tasks will be hard to complete, but it takes planning. Interesting huh, so does creating your business.

The last thing I suggest is try to enjoy the class and the process. Dr. Pryor has had guests speakers that are quite diverse. It really seems he is really trying to find individuals that hopefully each of us can connect and find ourselves in them that will hopefully reflect a possibility of success as an entrepreneur.

Hold on' for the ride of your life! It is definitely one with a gamut of emotions that allow you to tap into some hidden areas of possibility within yourself. I can see there is a ripple effect from these exercises that will enhance my life moving forward.


  1. Hey Sonja,
    I really enjoyed reading your reflection. Not only were you articulate with your explanation of the course, but you were also funny with your comments. I agree with you the class was difficult sometimes and required students to come out of their comfort zone. I was very uncomfortable to ask random shoppers questions for the customer interview assignment. My half-way reflection is similar to yours because I talk about the hardships of this course. You can check out my post at

  2. It was very nice to read through your post. You are an excellent writer, and definitely articulated many of the concepts I tried getting across in a better fashion. Keep up the excellent work! If you'd like to read my post, I'll link it below. P.S. I really like the theme you have on your blog.
