Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 1

Wow, this journey has been such a roller coaster of emotions (mostly anxiety), but I am treading forward. This elevator pitch not one I really looked forward to completing, but I suppose it cannot always be fun and games.

My company name is TransitHome -this is a company that helps families transition from a current unwelcome state to a home that feels welcoming.

My opportunity is for those working families looking for their dream home (low and middle income).

Most people believe the dream of owning a home is out of reach. The process with banks can be cumbersome, but we will be a firm that can assist the family in navigating the home buying or rental process. We will ensure the inclusion of utilities and other responsibilities that come into owning a home are taken into account for the overall affordability of the home. We will have subdivisions with custom built homes that are green friendly, with amenities in which any homeowner would be proud to have guests.

This idea may change as we go along, but this is how I see it today.

My pitch is below and oh my is it a rough one! Hopefully, I am not the only one that was feeling trepidation going into this assignment.

As always, thank you for joining me on my journey and here is to wishing you the best on yours.


  1. To me this sounds more like a government project than a business. Low to middle income home ownership is a great thing to focus on, but I don't know how you can run a business based on it. How do you profit without hurting the people you're trying to help? How can you custom build a home, without cutting corners, for someone who might not have finances to but an older, non-custom house?

    Like I said, it's a great goal, but between banks, builders, financial planning, and also turning a profit, its a very complicated one. You've gotten my attention with your pitch, but I's like to hear more details about how those services will be delivered.

    You can see my pitch here:

  2. Hey Sonja, I really enjoyed your post and I think you have a really good idea. This is something I totally agree with and think that this is something that people need. I think it would take a lot of planning though. Dealing with so many different people to bring together a team that can complete the job would make for a tremendous effort. If you have some time be sure to check out my post!

  3. Hey Sonja, awesome idea you have here! There are so many families out there that could benefit from your company. I definitely think that if you played your cards right, you could be very successful.
