Thursday, January 14, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

In my current position, I have been fortunate enough to encounter many entrepreneurs! Impossible you may think, but our company business model truly encourages the entrepreneurial spirit. In fact that is what has made our organization a success.

I work for a publicly traded transportation company. The backbone and success of our company lie with the independent agents and our business capacity owners (aka BCO's-drivers). The agents are the business owners that find customers in which commodity needs to be moved, whether by, air, rail, ocean, or over the road. They have differing names for their agencies with the statement after their agency name of Independent Agent of our organization.

 I interact with new agents that had worked with one organization and signed on with ours as well as with former employees of logistic companies or transportation companies, and want to be their own boss and give it a shot at running their own business. Their backgrounds vary from doctors, military, single mothers, and the list can go on.

One individual with our organization that has impressed me started in his garage probably about 15 years ago, and now he is one of the top revenue building independent agent for our organization. He now presides in a building that includes CFO, management, IT personnel, sales force, billing/administration group, a meeting room that is pristine and a picture of our company building in his office with the name of his company across it. This is a reminder of his goal of where he sees his company going and growing. He still has dreams and just because he has reached a level of success, he is not satisfied and neither are the individuals that he has surrounded himself.

I admire the perseverance of this entrepreneur to see exactly how far he can take his company, but keeping service and quality in mind along his path. His belief he can provide the best service and do it methodically, meaning with a plan continues to build this successful agency. Any new substantial business, he includes corporate immediately, to ensure all parties are on the same page with regards to his customer's requirements for a successful launch of the new business. There are no surprises on the horizon with a successful transition.

I admire the drive of this agent and many others. How they created their organizations and how each piece fits nicely into their puzzle. Everyone is driven by something and their stories or at minimum parts of their stories always seem to hit home. Unfortunately for me, it takes a certain bravery to walk away and become your own boss and this for me is an area of improvement.

I enrolled in this class because it is a requirement for my degree. Along my path of life I have talked much of owning my own business or starting my own company, but when it comes down to it, only talk.

 Who knows what the future brings? Is this not the question for any potential entrepreneur? It is funny when I look back at the first image I included in this post, a child does not care about any obstacles they may face, they have a plan and they go for it. Oh to be young, not in age, but in spirit and mindset. To be willing to take those risks for what you believe. This is what I hope to gain from this class. An opportunity to dig deep and say yes to me and my future and what I know I can contribute.

Good luck on your journey and thank you for joining mine.


  1. Hey Sonja! Great looking blog :)

    That's so amazing that you've had such positive experiences with entrepreneurs. You must do a lot of networking!

    I know what you mean when you say that it takes a certain kind of person to be their own boss... I would be intimidated knowing the kind of responsibility that that entails! I am sure that it seems scarier than it looks, however. And regardless of age, anyone can be an entrepreneur; it may be harder in terms of physical strength, but older people usually have more experience when it comes to these kinds of things than the younger crowd!

    All the best!

  2. Incredible story, and that last paragraph was inspirational. I loved it! It's awesome that you had the opportunity to meet so many entrepreneurs and have talked and learned from them. So keep working hard and learning as much as you can and you will be able to be your own boss. Just don't ever give up, no matter how long it takes. I'm glad I got to experience a bit of your journey, Sonja.
