Saturday, January 16, 2016

Bug List

This experiment was to really pay attention to what bugs me and take note. I wonder if anyone has felt the same about any of my own personal bugs or am I an anomaly?

  1. Going to Publix, Wal-Mart, Target, or anywhere with an express lane with a specified number of items and there is always someone who believes because that line is shorter, they should and are permitted to purchase at least five or more items than noted on the sign
  2. My husband asking me “have you seen my xxx?” He never really looks for the item he is looking for, let’s say his keys, but because he knows I am an individual that will take the time to "really" look for the item he pulls me into his quest. He does not like to lift anything to look for whatever he needs. He just wants to walk into a room scan it and find it while remaining in a singular spot. You know what I mean like one of those compass drawing tools. He is like the needle point and he thinks turning in some diameter he should be able to scan and find the item. I now make a game of it because I will find the item and tell him he is getting hotter or colder from the place where it actually lies.
  3. Folks walking their dogs and letting them poop in someone’s lawn and then walk away without picking up that poop. Really, if you are okay with your pet pooping on a lawn, let them poop on your front lawn, why is my lawn the designated poop park. Is it because our home is a corner lot? Does that make it okay?
  4. I hate it when individuals are able to ruffle my feathers at work. I always try to be professional, but sometimes, buttons get pushed. In this situation, receiving emails from an individual in the company who decides to include someone who works “for” me and begins to chastise me for not consulting him before I made a decision.  He proceeds to call me to tell me that since it was clear his name was listed within the email chains forwarded to me by his boss, therefore, according to this individual, it was my place to speak with him out of courtesy, not his boss’ place to inform him of our conversation and my decision. So am I wrong in that if his boss reached out to me to discuss the matter and I discussed it with his boss, I am now also responsible to ensure the information gets to the individual that asked his boss to discuss with me???
  5. It bugs me when I pick up an empty box of anything in the pantry, or cabinet, or refrigerator. If you are the individual that has used the last of the item, then why is it so difficult to throw the box away? Why is it so hard to reach under the cabinet at work and refill the container of sugar or make a pot of coffee if you pour the last of it into your cup? Why do some consider themselves the privileged few? 
  6. When individuals at work utilizing a microwave in the break room do not cover their food and there is food splatter all inside of the publicly used microwave because someone decided they did not need to clean up after their use
  7. Consistently negative people bug me. Speaking negativity all the time about themselves or someone else. Unable to see the positive nature of anything. This is completely different than having a negative thought. I am talking specifically about those folks whose life motto is “woe is me”
  8.       When something of mine has been moved and that individual knows they had it but cannot remember what they did or did not do with the item. Now I am left interrogating the individual until I can pinpoint the areas to look for the item myself.
  9.       Men and women that have a significant other that does not work, is capable of working, but for some reason cannot find a job. Keep in mind the other party in the relationship is working either two jobs, or has to go home and cook and clean the house. Seriously, they cannot even ensure the house is clean if they are not working?
    10. When I cannot do something right the first time, it bugs me immensely. I hate when I have difficulty accomplishing something more than presentable or a task without issue. I know it is ridiculous to feel this way because no one is perfect, but it bothers me so much, it will be on my mind until I get up the next day and attempt it again. I literally will dream about what I could do to overcome the obstacle I encountered.
    11. There is no real competition for electricity and cable. They have the power to charge whatever they want and we as individuals are stuck with the circumstances because we love our creature comforts. I love my comfortable life.
    12. That one person who has done everything you have done but much more elaborate. Seriously, everything that anyone says they have done, there is always this one person who can also recount a time they had the same experience (eye rolling). Can someone have something that is their own around this person? The answer is an emphatic “No!”
    13. While driving, you encounter someone weaving in and out of traffic but ultimately hits the same red light as the rest of us they put in danger. Why the importance of getting to that red light first is beyond my comprehension, but it is irritating.
    14. Seeing very young children walking to school or a bus stop by themselves. I don’t care if there is an eight year old and a five year old walking together, it still bugs me of the possibility of danger surrounding them.
    15.  It really bugs me that I cannot complain about the huge mess in the kitchen when my husband cooks a delicious meal. The mess he made while in the process of cooking seems a bit overstated. What is wrong with cleaning as you go along? Why does there have to be olive oil splatter and remnants of vegetables you cut left on the counter?
    16. When people try to squash or nay-say someone’s dream. I may not have the ability see how to create what another sees as an opportunity, so it should not be my place or anyone else's place to stomp on that individual’s creativity. You have to start somewhere, so why do some feel it is okay to shoot those dreams down?
    17. When you wash all the dirty clothes in the house for all family members and there is a sock missing. How is there a sock missing if everyone has placed all dirty clothes in the respective hampers?
    18. When someone borrows your car and changes the radio, the seat height, and other controls and never took the time to memorize the original configuration prior to their changing it. This is along the same lines of someone coming into my office and borrowing my chair and now that it is calibrated to my preferences, I would appreciate it greatly if it stays that way if you borrow it. It took me some time to find the right lumbar, height, and other positions of this ergonomic chair, so please do not change it.
    19. Someone working that is chewing and popping their gum loudly, such as a cashier at the register of any place I am shopping, employee who is on a call with a customer at the office, waitress at a restaurant, employee working concession counter at theater, and coffee house to name a few.
    20. When I smile and greet someone and they do not even acknowledge the encounter. I like to smile and acknowledge everyone because it is my way of letting them know they exist, I see them, but it irks me a little when a person just ignores it. They act as if they did not hear me. It does not happen often, but it occurs and it is bothersome to me.

         The above list was never at the forefront of my thoughts. I attempt in life to stay positive about my interactions throughout my day. I have been accused of always wanting to see the "good" in people and in life. I'm an optimist. Yes the above was difficult for me to put pen to paper but admittedly they exist. 

         Is it really bad not to focus on what ails us and just focus on how we are going to make it a better day, a better person, a better life? If I let these irritants get to me, I would be a sad individual and I choose not to live my life this way.

        In reality I know I have my own faults that irritate individuals, but it is my hope they look beyond those irritants and also see the value  I bring to the table.


  1. Hi Sonja,

    This post made me laugh! I empathize with so many of these. It is great that you have identified things that bug you so if you were to start your own business, you would be sure to avoid those things! I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future.

    -Olivia, Your ENT3003 TA Mentor

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  3. Sonja,

    For starters, I could definitely relate to so many of these. I can especially relate to the ones pertaining to children walking home alone as well as others stumping people's individual creativity. I also noticed that you mentioned some things dealing with parking and traffic. Ive come to realize that this is definitely a large issue, especially in Gainesville. You had so many great points and each reasoning behind your "bug" or "pet peeve" really gave some positive insight into the kind of individual you hold yourself to be in the business world!

    -Coral Evans
