Wednesday, January 13, 2016


I always thought talking about myself came so easily, until now, where it is actually a requirement in such a public forum. The pressure to sound more sophisticated than I am did cross my mind, but anyone who knows me would call me out on it immediately.

Here it goes. I am an identical twin who loves, loves, loves the NFL. I am a season ticket holder for the Jaguars for 15 long years, but honestly believe it should be longer but we had military seats prior to moving to section 133 and any time prior to that does not count, but in my mind it all counts. Here is a picture of me and my twin pointing to our names along the wall in the stadium. I'm on the left not looking my best.
I am an Air Force brat and military life is in my blood. So much so I married a Navy man and we have been married for 25 years and have two children (son 23, daughter 20). They both attended FSU (daughter is currently still there) and well had some words when they found I was attending UF.

I am pursuing my BS in Business Administration. My hope is to ultimately gain a Masters in Finance. I am currently a Vice President but honestly feel it does not matter how much knowledge or value I can bring my current company, that glass ceiling will not be crushed until I get a Masters. I want to clarify that I feel the company does value what I contribute, but the next time I go for a position, I want to even the playing field and take away any obstacle (degree) from the equation. I want to make it hard for anyone to say "no" to me. I want to make it hard for them to toss my resume aside. I feel a degree from the University of Florida is just what is needed to catapult me close to where I want to be.

I love my current career choice, company, and people I interact with daily, but I have personal goals that I was hoping to capitalize on a few years back but unfortunately it did not come to fruition. As the saying goes "One door closes and another door opens" is truly a mantra I live by. I have to believe the timing wasn't right and I needed to finish the goal of education.

My children are shaping their lives and are productive citizens and my husband started his second career, so no excuses lay before me as to why I did not finish school. I have seven classes to complete which does not sound like much but working more than 50 hours a week that could include travel can wear on an individual as you get older. That is why I encourage all youth to get your degree and do not put it off because as you get older you can create all kinds of reasons why the time is not right to complete school. Now I will step down from my pedestal.

 My sister and I were born in Stuttgart, Germany ten minutes apart (I am twin A). Our parents had a German nanny who only spoke German to us. When we were stateside and began school, I told kids I was German, not understanding at the time being born in Germany did not necessarily mean I was German. Although, I did have a choice in which country I wanted to claim citizenship.

Can you pick me out?

We both have two children with the son being the eldest and a daughter. Our husbands are named Robert. She moved to Jacksonville to be closer to me. Since I am twin A, I did everything first and therefore she looked up to me so much she felt the need to duplicate my life (hehehe). Remember, this is my world and how I see it, she may disagree.

Not Just for Men!
 My husband and I love to play poker, specifically Texas Hold 'Em. I don't have any dreams of playing in the World Series of Poker, but please know when I sit down to play I want to win.

I believe I have bored you enough about myself and will end this post soon.

In all honesty this was not as hard as I thought it would be just putting thought to keystroke and discussing myself. We will see how I evolve as we take this journey together. It is my hope I discover a part of myself that could help shape my life in a positive way that has probably been dormant or I did not know actually existed.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and wish me luck on my Journey of the Evolution of Finding Me!

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