Saturday, January 30, 2016

Customer Interviews No. 1

Finding My Potential Customer


I have to admit, this was the most uncomfortable situation for me to enter, but I guess that is what risk is all about. Please note this is a first for me to go to strangers and interview them for some idea that is not truly planned out nor has any true form. As you review each, know that these are not the best attempts, but an attempt. 

I envision my customer as anyone looking for a home to buy that is pretty close to their forever home.

I asked my customers first what was the challenge they faced in looking for a home to rent or buy? My questions afterwards varied depending on their response. I did ask a close-ended question specifically to find out if my customer would drive a distance to work from the home that met their requirement.

Getting all the bells and whistles is important to this customer at a reasonable price.

Faith played a big part in this customer's search. A place that feels like home is important.

Space for a growing family is key requirement for this customer

Safety for family and friends is on his list.

Affordable acreage would be a dream buy for this customer.

I have not really designed my entrepreneurial idea, but this exercise did enlighten me to the benefit of interviewing customers for a potential "need". I did not get the necessary steps in when questioning and did ask a close-ended question, but I wanted to know the answer and see if this was even going to be an option for what I considered a customer need.

I learned most customers are willing to open up, if we approach with understanding and personable. I found myself letting them know I was uncomfortable too, but we could get through this together and just wanted them to be honest with their responses for my class. My friend who was recording this for me with my phone (shout out to Jana), said I became bolder as we went along and never once really saw my nervousness (whew).

I wonder what the rest of you experienced in this exercise and are you looking forward to the response is a bit mixed, but it is inevitable!

Thanks for any feedback to help me on the next go round.


  1. Hey Sonja,
    I really thought tat you did a good job controlling any nervousness and having a genuine conversation. I am not sure where the idea is, but I guess that is the point, finding an idea from the people who need it. I agree that housing is one of the core issues causing the cyclic nature of poverty and applaud your goal of fixing it!
    I might only suggest that you prepare more specific questions for the next round and gear them toward some goal. Overall nice job!
    You can check out my interviews, for which I had a specific idea, here:

    1. Thank you for the feedback Jackson, very much appreciated.

  2. Hi Sonja!

    I appreciated that you did not have a set list of questions because it allowed you to feed of the energy of the other person and make it more like a conversation and less of an interrogation. Obviously as the class goes on, you will refine your idea and the nerves will settle, but I thought you did a great job! As you commented at the end of each interview, everyone is looking for something a little different, and we all have different priorities so I really enjoyed learning about and watching your interviews.

    Here’s a link to my blog if you’re interested:

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence Michelle regarding the nerves. Hopefully, I will gain a comfort level as we move forward in our class.
