Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

Due to the exercises we have already experienced, I do not think this current reading had any real surprises. I would like to point out that if it were not for our bug lists, world problem lists, and the local opportunities, I would have been one of those with the misconceptions of innovation. I thought you had to be born with the "creativity" gene. As we move along this journey, I am finding my thought process as to how I view the world slightly changing, in that problems are solutions waiting to happen.

I think the one confusing part of the chapter is the utilization of the right brain and the left brain. I am not quite sure I understand how you are to hone the right brain, I thought you could not have solutions without the right hemisphere, but I suppose this is something we are to practice using, but not sure I get how. The exercise to solve problems using the right hemisphere, did not quite make sense, because the book referenced it was the part for innovative thinking so how are we utilizing that side of the brain to solve?

The two questions I would ask the author(s)
1. What about the risk of creating the "creative climate" in the workplace and the possible loss of the business members that have the freedom to innovate and think entrepreneurial? How do organizations keep those people from going out on their own with their entrepreneurial ideas?

2. I read the insert regarding Faith Popcorn, I was intrigued that she could foresee the trends and based a consulting business from that foresight. I would ask her, if she has the ability to see potential opportunities, then why not create a product herself, or has she?

The only thing that seemed to stand out was that allegedly the innovator often is insensitive to others. I see the listing of the pledgers on the Giving Pledge list and I see individuals willing to give half their fortunes away for multitude of philanthropic issues. Does that not reflect they have some sensitivity to how others are treated? I believe it does.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Customer Interviews No. 1

Finding My Potential Customer


I have to admit, this was the most uncomfortable situation for me to enter, but I guess that is what risk is all about. Please note this is a first for me to go to strangers and interview them for some idea that is not truly planned out nor has any true form. As you review each, know that these are not the best attempts, but an attempt. 

I envision my customer as anyone looking for a home to buy that is pretty close to their forever home.

I asked my customers first what was the challenge they faced in looking for a home to rent or buy? My questions afterwards varied depending on their response. I did ask a close-ended question specifically to find out if my customer would drive a distance to work from the home that met their requirement.

Getting all the bells and whistles is important to this customer at a reasonable price.

Faith played a big part in this customer's search. A place that feels like home is important.

Space for a growing family is key requirement for this customer

Safety for family and friends is on his list.

Affordable acreage would be a dream buy for this customer.

I have not really designed my entrepreneurial idea, but this exercise did enlighten me to the benefit of interviewing customers for a potential "need". I did not get the necessary steps in when questioning and did ask a close-ended question, but I wanted to know the answer and see if this was even going to be an option for what I considered a customer need.

I learned most customers are willing to open up, if we approach with understanding and personable. I found myself letting them know I was uncomfortable too, but we could get through this together and just wanted them to be honest with their responses for my class. My friend who was recording this for me with my phone (shout out to Jana), said I became bolder as we went along and never once really saw my nervousness (whew).

I wonder what the rest of you experienced in this exercise and are you looking forward to the response is a bit mixed, but it is inevitable!

Thanks for any feedback to help me on the next go round.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

My Perception of the top five world problems from my original list may not make sense to some, but remember, our differences is what makes us great!

Ranking of top five problems listed in a previous post.

1.Intolerance/-isms: racism, ageism, sexism spans across diverse groups for various reasons. I don’t this can be eliminated, but I think there needs to be an openness and understanding to differences in all of us and values magnified of what each individuals brings to the table.

2.Outbreaks of diseases worldwide stemming from heart disease to those that spread via contamination of some sort from person to person or contamination of bodies of water or unsanitary conditions.
3.Per the United Nations World Food Programme, some 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to eat. This accounts to one in nine people on earth. No child should go to bed hungry or be sent to work in order for the rest of the family gets some food.
4.Depletion of natural resources due to increased construction that depletes forests, minerals, and energy. With the depletion comes possible species extinction, Global Warming, and drought.
5.Unemployment misnomer has been a sore spot with those unemployed as well as those employed. Truthfully, many have stopped looking for work because assistance is available. While I agree it is necessary for a time frame, I do not believe it should be something that is provided for long periods of time

I believe intolerance in the world is what contributes to the misunderstanding countries have with each other that causes wars. Contributes to the problems we have within our own society because someone differs from us. This drives gun violence and hate crimes. I believe this is the one area that is the hardest to overcome in any society, but is the most important to change in the world so we can find ways together to solve our really important issues and that is ensuring the survival of the human race. There are individuals that make small changes, but it really has to be driven by governments. 

Ranking of top five solutions that I believe are realistically manageable

1.Solution Outbreaks of Diseases
  • Education is key starting with governments. There has to be an importance in saving their communities and ensuring they know there is a way to combat whatever disease is prevalent in their respective areas.
  • Immunizations need to be available to all free of charge because the costs associated with treating an epidemic far outweighs the cost associated with known immunizations available.
  • Clean water supply needs to be available via my irrigation systems mentioned previously.
  • Training and developing trades among the poorest of communities to drive growth to the middle class.
  • Ensuring sufficient inspectors to check any foods going into and out of a market prior to consumer handling. Countries should be held accountable for endangering lives due to inefficient policies in place for trade purposes

2.Solution to feed those in need
  • We need to first find ways to get and ensure irrigation for all countries in order for them to learn to farm. We need to tailor for each country as appropriate.
  • Set up programs to assist with farming in the first year. In the United States we can test differing methods, such as a window garden in New York City, NY, farming a piece of land in rural Virginia, or the deserts of Nevada. By testing the best methods for each environment, we can then move to work with the government of those countries in need first and come up with a plan to institute the irrigation and then seeding the area for food and sustenance. These should be community farms where all help and participate in the reward of their labors. This would have already been trialed domestically
3.Solution for depletion of natural resources
  • Education of reusable goods is key. We need to find a way to continuously educate manufacturing industry firstly, but all including service industry should have a standard of recycling. I think the best way to do this is for organizations to stipulate green initiatives if choosing to partner with a company for goods or services. More and more individuals throughout the world care about the planet and are attempting to get that word out. Responsible companies that care want to be that company in which consumers choose. As consumers we should ask the questions of what is the organization doing with regards to the green initiatives and combatting the depletion of natural resources.
4.Solution for unemployment
  • There needs to be some assistance in finding those unemployed a job, for any kind of work. Pride needs to be put aside for the well-being of the family. In order to gain assistance such as welfare or childcare services, there needs to be something similar to a bartering system. You come and pick up garbage along Interstate 95 and you will receive your subsidy check for this week. The excuse of no affordable childcare should be discarded since there are now vouchers utilized for that assistance.
  • There needs to be more free programs to teach trades useful for the appropriate regions or areas

5.Solution for intolerance
  • We need to start with open dialogue with diverse groups of people to discuss concerns and why. This group setting is to allow people to openly talk of their fears and concerns of those groups without fear of judgment or retaliation. Education is key to making a change with intolerance. The lack of education of specific groups whether ageism, gender, race, and religion is what perpetuates fear. We have some similarities no matter our backgrounds and I think thoughtfully voicing who we are and our concerns can better connect us to each other, the Human Race.

I think the easiest of my top five listing is the eradication of diseases. We have access to the drugs and we have ways to properly transport these drugs to those areas in most need first. Along with immunizations, it is key education goes along with that education. Of course, this education, will lead to entrepreneurial thinking within the community helped. It can jump-start individuals to further educate and remind their communities of what is needed to keep them safe and healthy. If you are not worried about the possibility of disease, you will then have time to focus on ideas or solutions for the betterment of the community, and ultimately society.