Saturday, March 19, 2016

Week 10 Reading Reflection

Honestly, most of what this chapter entailed I am very familiar either through my work experience or education. I think the only part I was not familiar with is the technique designed specifically for entrepreneurial firms in relation to break-even points under alternative assumptions of either fixed or variable costs.

Nothing was confusing to me in regards to the reading because it was mostly familiar.

One question would be that wouldn't the expectation of expansion of a firm be included in the capital budget if the expansion includes property, building, and etc? So this expense would be included on both the Cash-Flow budget as well as the Capital budget?

Would the author believe that as entrepreneurs, it would be very difficult to just walk away from a customer because maybe they do not take the time to evaluate the profitability of the customer? I believe in a young business it would be hard to see any customer as a "bad" customer, so how would they overcome that obstacle?

I did not read anything in this chapter that I disagreed with the author. I am familiar with most of what was included in this week's reading.

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