Saturday, March 12, 2016

My Secret Sauce

Hmmm, to really take the time to talk about me (my favorite subject) and define what I think makes me different in only five examples:

1. I believe someone has something to offer and I believe stepping back and reassessing the individual (even those you do not care for at all) you can find that value. I make every attempt to do such in my life
2. I make attempts to ensure all people feel included at work, social settings, or whatever environment. Even if it is my first encounter of the event or individual.
3. I consider "no" to a position, as an opportunity to improve and overcome that obstacle for the next go round.
4. In my professional life as a woman, I am not afraid to ask for what I want, such as more money, more responsibility, whatever it takes to help me reach my goals.
5. I believe in nurturing and developing those that come behind me. I want someone to want my job. I like ambition, I am not afraid to share my knowledge because that means there is someone who can take my place and thus should not hinder me from moving to the next level..

My daughter, Alexus, sees me as driven. Her idea of me is that I go out of my way to help other people even without having to ask. Good and bad, I am heartfelt and emotional. In her opinion at times not so warranted.

My friend Kerry actually has known me for 14 years and sees me as genuine. She states I would give the shirt off my back and have the ability to make someone feel they are the only person in the room.
I never met a stranger. I am trusting, but usually a good judge of character.

Jana has worked with me for 13 years, not the twelve she mentions. She thinks what makes me unique is my ability to see both sides of a situation and be objective. I don't jump to conclusions or make knee jerk reactions. She thinks at times I have a tendency to be too nice, but that has not hindered me.

Lisa is my friend who I have known for over 20+ years. Her thoughts on what makes me different is my power of persuasion. She states I am detailed and want to do my research prior to acting. Not sure if this is a good thing or bad, but she described me also as "strong willed". Heartfelt and sincere were words she utilized to describe me and honestly, who am I to disagree.

Nadine has known me for 15 years. Power of negotiation and ability to get teams to work together is what she thinks makes me unique. Ability to look at all sides or the whole picture

Mahal is my friend that has known me for 15 years. She describes me as passionate and it comes out in my work. My belief in people and give many chances, and after they fail I give them many more (sounds like a weakness when she said it out loud). I invest in people to get what I need.

I had early on decided what kind of person I wanted to be and always believe in treating others as how I would want to be treated. In my life and due to my age, I have had lots of opportunities to self-examine and it would seem, that my family, friends, and co-workers and I are on the same page.

I can step back and relate to what Mahal stated in her video and that is "our greatest strengths can also be our greatest weakness". I am at times an overly positive individual about others and want to always hope for a brighter tomorrow (that sounds corny-like it came from Annie).

In any case, I think you now know more about me than you ever wanted to know, but don't blame me, blame Dr. Pryor.


  1. Hi Kimmey, You did a great job. It looks like you had very positive reviews. I agree with your nurturing trait. That is my strategy as well. Your closing was the best part. It was the light heated and funny. I enjoyed your work and I look forward to future peer reviews.

  2. Hi Kimmey, You did a great job. It looks like you had very positive reviews. I agree with your nurturing trait. That is my strategy as well. Your closing was the best part. It was the light heated and funny. I didn't see if you changed anything as a result of the feedback. I did not change anything either. I enjoyed your work and I look forward to future peer reviews.

  3. I love cats so thanks for the picture. But dogs are way better. We have a dog named sonny, named after sonny's bbq. Which my grandfather cofounded with Sonny Tilman (the sonny).

    but anyways, great post. I love your writing style. I'm not gonna lie, i kinda skipped most of the videos but think i have a good understanding of who you are. and I like who you are. you seem like a nice person. I like nice people.

    Keep it up kimmey!

  4. Sonja,
    You did a really good job describing yourself and I think the way your friends talked about you backs that up. People seemed to think very highly of your character and that's a wonderful thing! All your traits will help you go far in the business world! Stay awesome! I unfortunately did not complete this assignment so I cannot provide a link to my post.
